Together with musician Lewis Coleman, photographer Izzie Austin & animator Kelsey Pettifer I undertook four music videos for Lewis which were filmed in two days inside an amazing house on Lake Wendouree (Wadawurrung and Dja Dja Wurrung).
The task of creating four, distinct clips came about. All had their own style and colour - while sitting inside this idea of a ‘mind palace’ which suited being filmed inside this house.
From watching you may notice repetition of scenes, but with a different take or colour and effect. By the last clip I felt like we were coming back up to the surface of Lewis’ mind and seeing the three previous clips in one, hallucinatory montage. A lot of fun.
These clips got me into the 3D camera space of After Effects which has been a fantastic journey so far - while then incorporating Kelsey’s animations throughout and finding a way to make them fit into the super8 footage.
You can find Lewis Coleman’s album ,all of which these songs are from, available to listen, stream and buy right here: