This clip was something of planet alignment: everything just clicked into place from the initial chats over Instagram with Allysha whom I had only met once about eight years prior. I had the basic idea of three distinct sections whilst retaining the feeling that this could be a live performance. This play between reality and the quite stylised was so much fun & works with the song really well.
Even when I presented the mood boards to Allysha, she sent me over the photos from her album cover shoot. Without knowing it, our colours and tones were aligned (like those planets) from the beginning. Colours, tones & planets may seem different, but it’s a heck of a good start.
Working alongside David McKinnar on set was crucial to the finer points of how we framed each scene, combined with Ed Bellamy on the new Trinity 2. This duo really got the motion and flow down to what you see in the final clip.
Vocals, Rhodes & production: Allysha Joy
Director: Jack Ralph
Producer: Lawrence Phelan
DOP: David McKinnar
Gaffer: Francis Healy Wood
Best person: Louis Walter
Steadicam operator: Ed Bellamy
1st AC: Bailey Quinn
2nd AC: Adrian Eppel
PA: Ruby Edwards
Editor: Jack Ralph (Resolve)
Colourist: Abe Wynen
Rental gear provided by: Offshoot rentals
Production Company: Recliner
Location: Williamstown Italian Social Club
Record Label: First Word Records
Synths and string recordings: Finn Rees
Bass: Matthew Hayes
Drums / percussion: Ziggy Zeitgeist
Additional drums: Sam Michnik